First launched in 1971, Macanudo quickly became a top choice among smokers in search of creamy smooth mellow bodied smoke with consistently great flavor and pristine construction. To this day, albeit with a greatly expanded portfolio, the original Macanudo Café line is the brand by which all other Dominican cigars are judged.

In a groundbreaking move, Macanudo released their first flavor infused premium cigars in 2018, called the M by Macanudo. One year later in 2019, following on the heels of M’s enormous success, the company released M Bourbon by Macanudo Cigars their second flavor infused offering.

Unlike the premium Columbian coffee flavors found on the M line, M Bourbon adds a delicious new twist with lush notes of bourbon, cherry, and bitters. This makes it the perfect old-fashioned cocktail drink without the glass!

M Bourbon by Macanudo cigars are meticulously handcrafted at the iconic General Cigar factory in the Dominican Republic using a beautiful golden brown Connecticut shade wrapper, an Ecuadorian binder, and Macanudo’s signature blend of aged Dominican fillers. These rich hand selected tobaccos compliment the cocktail flavors so well ,that they will make every smoking hour a happy hour!

Order an affordable box of 20 from JR Cigar, then, sit back, relax, and let Macanudo provide you with the Ultimate Bourbon experience.

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