La Aurora cigars has set the golden standard for premium quality with over a century in the industry and three generations of growing tobacco in the same fields of the Ciba Valley, becoming the go-to brand for enthusiasts who have an affinity to indulge on Dominican treasures. Still hand rolled in the oldest cigar factory in the Dominican Republic, La Aurora created this special blend, La Aurora 1987 Connecticut as an homage to the year La Aurora Cigars first began using Connecticut shade wrapper on their premium cigars. Lying lush at the heart of this affordably-priced cigar, are a Cameroonian binder that ties together a well-balanced, three-country mix of Peruvian, Nicaraguan and Cibao Valley-grown Dominican long-fillers. Spotlighted is the cigar’s namesake topping the premium blended core, a Connecticut shade wrapper, traditionally cultivated in the USA but now grown in Ecuador. The result is a mellow to medium-bodied smoke with a splendid amount of flavor and complexity. Visually, the wrapper features a nice golden color with a bit of darker smudges and slight oiliness to the touch as the silky brown wrapper showcases minor veining. Emanating from the cigar are the aromas of fresh hay with touches of earthiness, sweetness and cedar. Revealing what is to come, the cold draw is mouthwateringly tasty eliciting notes of molasses, hay and wood. Upon lighting up, the Connecticut 1987 Robusto serves a virtual banquet of earthy-spicy delights that intrigue the senses. Creamy on the mouthfeel, impressions of cedar and leather intertwine creating a rich and indulgent smoke, complemented by tinges of cocoa and a nutty finish lingering on the palate. Offering layers of intricacy is the Connecticut wrapper adding hints of cinnamon, red fruits, and pastry, subsequently delivering a well-rounded and more than satisfying smoking experience. For easy pairings, a strong black coffee or spirits like rum, cognac and whiskey are ideal and go well after a pasta or seafood dinner. Hand rolled in four popular sizes – a Robusto, Churchill, Toro and Gran Toro – if your palate prefers cigars with Connecticut shade wrappers and prices that won’t burn a hole in your wallet, the La Aurora 1987 are a "best-kept-secret" cigar where true aficionados can experience an impressive, inexpensive stick offering fantastic value. Treat yourself to these exquisite, celebratory cigars and elevate your smoking experience to all new heights. Shop JR Cigars today.
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