From the beautiful Caribbean Island of the Dominican Republic, the La Aurora cigar company has been making incredible smokes for more than a century. First arriving on the scene back in 1903, La Aurora provided the earliest and strongest alternative to the Cuban dominated market by producing incredible mellow-medium bodied cigars utilizing the country’s rich farmland and agricultural ingenuity. From the beginning, this was a labor of love—literally. The tobacco would travel down dirt roads on the backs of donkeys between the La Aurora farmland and their suddenly bustling tobacco facility. The result, over the years, has been a brand that routinely earns 90-plus ratings from some of the industry’s most stringent reviewers despite the fact that many of their offerings are available at a daily smoking price. Some of La Aurora’s most popular lines include Principales, Excepcionales, Reserva Especial 2008, La Aurora 107, and Dominican DNA. The company also still rolls an original Perfecto in order to maintain a connection with their roots. This ability to be both modern and traditional sits at the heart of the company’s Time Capsule series and the 1985 Maduro, the fourth offering in this line. The Time Capsule series revisits different times in the company’s history when they first started exploring different varietals of tobacco and producing a quality offering containing those leaves of myriad origin. The 1985 Maduro is a combination of binder and filler tobacco from Nicaragua and a hearty Brazilian maduro wrapper, which bursts from the box with cold draws of leather, cedar wood and a fruity floral aroma. From first light, this medium-full bodied cigar has a combination of chocolate, cedar and peppery notes that make this cigar a standout competitive with some of the priciest Brazilian wrapped cigars on the market today. Pairing beautifully with good, seared steak and a dark beer, this cigar doles out the complexity without overwhelming the smoker. Shop JR Cigar today and get a 20 count box or convenient 5 pack bundle as a trial size before considering a larger purchase. Regardless, we know you’ll enjoy a cigar that is unique enough to share but enticing enough to incorporate into your daily rotation—especially at this price point. As always, JR has the most competitive pricing available and the expertise to pair you with the right cigar every time.
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