A famed brand renowned for their top rated fuller bodied blends, Jose ’Don Pepin’ Garcia and Jaime Garcia have combined together to create La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut cigars, their mellowest blend to date. Hand-crafted in Nicaragua at Pepin Garcia's My Father factory, the La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut sports a gorgeous Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper atop Nicaraguan binder and long fillers that have undergone a triple fermentation process. This extra aging leaves the finished product with a creamy smooth, mellow-to-medium strength profile. Light this deftly rolled stick, and expect to be greeted with flavorful notes of coffee, cashews, soft spice, and subtle hints of buttercream. It’s the perfect choice for La Aroma de Cuba fans looking for a tamer yet just as flavorful Connecticut-style cigar. This masterpiece from the Garcia’s is also a great option for smokers looking to experience the rich, enchanting La Aroma de Cuba flavors without the added strength. La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut is a must try for both newcomers and well-seasoned smokers alike, and one that is certain to find a permanent home in your humidor.