For over 50 years, JR Alternative Cigars have been one of our best-selling brands with a presence in the humidors of aficionados across the country. Beloved for their affordable prices, consistent flavors, wide selection of sizes and blends, and top-notch construction, JR Alternative Cigars are a favorite amongst budget conscious cigar connoisseurs who still want to enjoy a high-quality smoke.Now due to a recent discovery, cigar devotees are extended a chance to smoke truly exquisite and vintage cigars with JR Alternative Vintage Cigars. Like a great vintage wine, the profiles of the beloved blends are more enticing given the fact that a small stockpile of these smokes were found in our state-of-the-art aging room and, for the last two years, have developed a far more pronounced and well-rounded character with further fermentation. If you are new to smoking handmade premium cigars or just want to explore a variety of sizes, countries of origin, and blends without breaking the bank, JR Alternatives Vintage are an ideal choice. Whether you are looking for time-honored and beloved brands like Punch, Montecristo, La Gloria Cubana, Macanudo, and many more, you will find a value-priced option in our vast selection of JR Alternative Vintage Cigar styles that have been fermented for a significant amount of time. These smokes are expertly handmade using the same or similar premium tobaccos, found in their original counterparts, and many times are made in the exact same factory. By placing these cigars in no frills bundles right in our warehouse, as opposed to fancy boxes, advertising, and shipping costs, we can cut out the “middleman” and pass the savings onto you. Take the hassle out of the home aging process and expenses associated with learning what kind of handmade cigars you should store in your humidor by choosing a few bundles of JR Alternatives Vintage that are just as tasty and well-made as any other premium handmade cigar on the market…but for much, much less! They've been our bestselling cigars by far, for over 50 years, and stand out as a first in the industry that has never been duplicated.With JR Alternatives Vintage, you can narrow down your search to the most popular Dominican and Nicaraguan brands out there. You can enjoy the rich, sweet and zesty spiciness of Nicaraguan favorites including Perdomo, CAO, and La Gloria Cubana. JR Alternative Vintage cigars are going to be right at home in your humidor in all its finely aged glory. Get your JR Alternative Vintage Cigars while supplies last shipped fast and fresh straight to your door by ordering online now, only from JR Cigar!