Hoyo La Amistad Silver cigars are a wonderful follow-up to the original Gold version that took the industry by storm. This stunning line of premium handmade cigars are the second collaboration between AJ Fernandez, and the master blenders at General Cigar. These top-quality cigars feature an all Cuban- seed blend consisting of an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, a Nicaraguan Habano binder, and proprietary Cuban-seed Habano Nicaraguan long fillers cultivated by AJ on his two famous farms in Estelí and Condega. The Hoyo La Amistad Silver cigars are bold, full-bodied gems that rival the quality and taste of those great old pre-embargo Havana’s of years gone by. You will savor a slow-burning smoke with exceptionally smooth flavors of dark spicy tobacco, earth, mocha, caramel, creamy leather, and toasted almonds.