Gurkha has a deep and varied portfolio brimming with dozens of popular brands, but Gurkha Heritage cigars are among Gurkha’s best. Gurkha Heritage cigars are offered in two delectable blends, a natural and a maduro, with both offering decadent flavors from masterfully aged tobaccos. With its rich medium-full body, the Gurkha Heritage offers a medley of espresso, leather, spices, chocolate, and tobacco sweetness that will have you puffing down to the nub. Much of its flavor comes from the top-shelf Ecuadorian Habano rosado wrapper adorning each cigar, covering a thick Nicaraguan binder and long fillers from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Connecticut broadleaf. For the maduro version, the master blenders went south to Brazil and developed a blend of Brazilian and Nicaraguan long fillers, a zesty Brazilian Arapiraca binder, and a San Andres Mexican maduro wrapper cloaking the bunch. Once lit, a full-bodied tapestry of dark chocolate, earth, coffee, peppery spices, and caramel on the finish for double the maduro goodness. Both blends are offered in the same 6.5x54 Toro size with each cigar covered with a cedar sleeve for protection and an extra level of complexity. Get your box of 24 Gurkha Heritage cigars online from JR today!