Foundation Highclere Castle premium cigars from the renowned Foundation Cigar Company were inspired and named for the set location of the popular TV show "Downton Abbey. These stately sticks feature perfectly aged filler tobaccos from Nicaragua rolled inside a zesty Brazilian Mata Fina binder, and a creamy, golden brown Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper. According to Nick Melillo owner & blender of Foundation, some of the Nicaraguan filler leaves come from a hybrid-seed called Nicadán, a rare leaf that adds exceptional flavor to the blend. This majestic premium cigar is brimming with hearty notes of citrus, pepper, leather, caramel, and oak. Just like its namesake, these flawlessly rolled cigars are the epitome of luxury and elegance. So, view our selection of Foundation Highclere Castle cigars right here at JR, and enjoy a luxury smoke that’s fit for a king!