Ferio Tego Metropolitan Connecticut cigars mark the return of a smooth and creamy Dominican line of premium cigars produced by the now defunct Nat Sherman Company. As for the name, Ferio Tego is the new company founded by Michael Herklots and Brendan Scott, both former Nat Sherman employees that purchased the rights to the Nat Sherman brands with the stipulation that they never use the Nat Sherman name on any of their products. These rebranded premium cigars are expertly rolled in the Dominican Republic with the finest fully aged Dominican binder and long filler tobaccos, topped off with a silky-golden brown Connecticut wrapper leaf. The end result is a medium bodied smoke with an incredibly rich and balanced mixture of sweet cream, leather, earth, cedar, and cocoa. Former Nat Sherman fans will rejoice in the return of these modern-day classics, while all others will savor one of the smoothest and creamiest Connecticut-style cigars on the market today.
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