Allegiance by E.P. Carrillo cigars are produced by two-time Cigar of the Year winner and the architect behind the famous La Gloria Cubana brand that launched Carrillo to stardom. His newest release, called Allegiance by E.P. Carrillo cigars, is the next chapter in the award-winning Perez-Carrillo Series that includes the wildly popular Pledge, Encore, & La Historia lines. Unlike Carrillo’s previous cigars, Allegiance is produced by the famed Oliva Cigar Company, the largest tobacco growers, and cigar manufacturers in Nicaragua. The blend is composed of a beautiful Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper atop aged Nicaraguan binder and long fillers grown on the fertile Oliva family farms. These two industry giants have created a medium-to-full masterpiece that’s destined to become a modern-day classic. Complex and flavorful, Allegiance offers the smoker rich notes of sweet spice, roasted nuts , leather, and black coffee, before a creamy smooth finish. Show your allegiance to one of the best cigar makers in the modern era, and order a box from JR Cigar today.