Riding on the heels of the wildly popular Sobremesa Blue cigars that were introduced in 2019, Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust created a new spinoff variation to the blend in late 2020 called the Sobremesa Limited Edition Brulee Blue Sobremesa cigar. Being the ultimate perfectionist that he is, company owner Steve Saka decided to tweak the original blend that featured an Ecuador Connecticut Shade wrapper, Mexican binder, and aged Nicaraguan long fillers to provide an even more enjoyable smoking experience. For this hot new 2020 creation, Saka and Company took these same tobaccos from the previously release and placed them in controlled aging rooms for over a year before being released to the public. Then, for aesthetic purposes, he swapped out the original bands and replaced them with a vibrant blue color scheme. Rolled in just one 6.25 × 46 Grand Corona size, the cigar retains its mellow to medium bodied strength but brings delicious new standout tasting notes of oak, coffee, caramel, spice, and touches of toasted almonds to the flavor profile. All this hard work really paid off, because Sobremesa Limited Edition Brulee Blue was awarded the No. 4 Cigar of the Year in 2020. Here at JR Cigar, we were able to get our hands on just a very small amount of these limited-edition beauties so we are selling them on a first come first served basis. Therefore, we highly recommend that you order a box of 13 ASAP, so that you don’t miss out on of the hottest premium offerings from 2020!