The original Mi Querida cigars, produced by Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust Company, owes its fame and popularity to creating bold medium -to full bodied smokes using the finest premium Nicaraguan tobacco . With the release of the Mi Querida Black cigars, this wildly popular brand takes things one step further by using long filler leaves from the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua, finished with a dark San Andrés negro binder, and a coal black Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. One notch tamer in strength than the original offering, Mi Querida Black offers a medium bodied smoke with creamy textured notes of bittersweet chocolate, leather, earth, spice, and plenty of sweetness on the palate. Available in just one single (7 x 54) Churchill, called Mi Querida Black Sakakhan, the cigar takes a humorous poke at Dunbarton’s brand owner and famed master blender Steve Saka. Sold in boxes of 10, right here at JR Cigar, Mi Querida Black is poised to offer one of the richest and tastiest maduro wrapped cigars on the market today.