Don Pepin Garcia Blue cigars ™, one of the earlier blends created by Cuban-born cigar master José Pepin Garcia™, still stands out as one of the finest handmade premium cigars to ever come from Nicaragua. That sure is saying a lot considering how much this world class boutique brand has grown over the years since Blue™ was first introduced in 2003. This deftly rolled line of Nicaraguan puros use only the best Cuban seed tobaccos grown on the fertile volcanic soils found on the prestigious Garcia family farm in Estelí. After further extensive aging, every Blue™ cigar is seamlessly covered by a stunning dark brown Corojo maduro wrapper that glistens with oil. All this hard work and dedication results in a full-bodied smoke with rich, well refined flavors of cedar, wood, white pepper, espresso, and the brands signature spice. Order yours today, and savor these 93-rated Nicaraguan beauties!