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Coming from a brand whose name is synonymous with luxury, Davidoff Special Series cigars stand out from the rest of the top-rated Davidoff portfolio with a lineup of flawlessly constructed and uniquely shaped vitolas. With unusual vitolas like the Short Perfecto and Special T and backed by a history of being one of the finest makers of premium cigars in the world, you can rest assured that these gems are made extra-special in true Davidoff fashion.

To provide you with an unmatched and unforgettable smoking experience, the blend needed to be composed with only top-of-the-line tobaccos. For the Davidoff Special Series, three different kinds of aged Dominican tobaccos are perfectly utilized for the long fillers and binder, and a flawless golden-tan Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper seamlessly embraces the core.

Once you get a flame to the foot of one of these gems, your palate will be dazzled by an incredibly rich, complex, and refined medium-full bodied smoke brimming with savory notes of earth, leather, black pepper, zesty spice, nuts, cedar, and sweet coffee. These complex, undeniably smooth flavors will harmoniously dance on the palate with each puff, the perfect way to celebrate any special occasion.

Deserving of a spot in any serious aficionado’s humidor, Davidoff Special Series is offered in both boxes and reasonably affordable packs so any connoisseur can enjoy. Order yours online from JR Cigars today!

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