A very popular limited-release offering by the famed Davidoff, the Millennium Blend Series of luxury handmade premium cigars features a bold and intense blend of top-quality Dominican tobacco leaf. Powerful in its medium-to-full-bodied strength profile, yet exceptionally refined and smooth, the Davidoff Millennium Blend Series cigars offer a zesty white-pepper spice expertly tempered and creatively complemented by a creamy underlying earthy flavor and a compelling trace of cocoa sweetness.
Finished in an impossibly rich-looking sun-grown Ecuador wrapper leaf exclusive to Davidoff tobacco products, and packaged in boxes of 25 as well as convenient smaller-quantity packs and protective aluminum tubes, Davidoff Millennium Blend Series of handmade premium cigars is an excellent choice for the seasoned smoker looking for unique and luxurious handmade premium cigars to buy online.
Lancero rated 92 by Cigar Snob in 2013
Robusto rated 11th place in Cigar Snob's "Top 25 Cigars of 2012"
Short Robusto rated 91 by Cigar Aficionado in 2013