An exceptionally unique and luxurious line of handmade premium cigars, the Davidoff Colorado Claro cigars selection is based on Davidoff's popular Special Series, but features a rare Ecuador Connecticut sun-grown wrapper leaf that brings a whole different flavor profile and style to Davidoff's meticulously crafted cigars.
Displaying a savory spice that accents an underlying roasted-nut flavor, the Davidoff Colorado Claro lineup of luxury handmade cigars is crafted with top-quality Dominican long-filler leaf surrounded by a premium binder, resulting in a cigar-smoking experience with a soft yet bold sweetness that complements the blend's zesty qualities. Compellingly complex, flawlessly balanced, and designed to reveal every luxurious note and nuance within its robust yet refined recipe, the Davidoff Colorado Claro makes a sophisticated selection for seasoned smokers looking for something just a little bit different in luxury cigars.