With a huge portfolio of highly rated blends, there’s no denying that Oliva cigars are some of the best in the industry. Crafted by Oliva Maduro cigars, a line extension to the original blend, keeps this impressive winning streak alive by using the same recipe of Nicaraguan Habano binder and long fillers found in its popular cousin. However, to create a smoke that displays Crafted By Oliva’s darker side, the sun grown EMS Nicaraguan wrapper has been replaced by an oily and sleek maduro leaf. Medium bodied, and oozing with rich notes of chocolate, cocoa, spice, and toasted almonds, a sweet tobacco aroma makes the cigars smell as great as they taste. This highly impressive addition to our JR Exclusive line of Crafted by Oliva cigars, also boasts the same top-notch construction and very modest price. Order some today in your choice of 20 -count boxes, or convenient 5-packs.