With roots that trace back to Cuba, Cohiba is highly regarded as one of the most respected names in the history of handmade premium cigars. Now, this storied Cuban-heritage brand has created Weller by Cohiba cigars, and they are truly very special! Weller by Cohiba is limited-edition cigar, available in just one 5 x 50 Robusto size that was made in partnership with Weller, a famous company that has been producing top-shelf bourbon since 1849. The cigar features a gorgeous oily and dark Honduran Olancho Maduro wrapper, a rare and flavorful Connecticut Habano binder, and the finest aged of long-fillers from the Dominican Republic. Boasting a medium-to-full bodied profile of leather, cocoa, wood, and caramel, this luxurious smoke fully compliments , yet never overpowers the smoky sweet and woodsy flavors of Weller bourbon. The cigar is incredibly satisfying on its own, but when paired with Weller 12-years aged bourbon it’s a marriage made in heaven, just as it was intended to be. Order a limited-edition box of 10 from JR Cigar, while you still can, and savor a superb Cohiba blend that’s truly unlike any other.
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