Cohiba Serie M cigars are the 3rd release of the wildly popular Cohiba Serie M line which was first launched in April 2021. Handcrafted at the storied El Titan de Bronze Cigar factory in Miami, this year’s installment features a new 7 x 50 Churchill size called “Prominente” that features a beautiful reddish brown Nicaraguan Corojo wrapper atop a Nicaraguan binder and long fillers from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. Each Series M cigar is accented with a wrapper enclosed foot and finished with a classic Cuban style fantail triple cap. Medium bodied, and loaded with delicious flavors of earth, white pepper, cinnamon, cedar, and cream, Cohiba Serie M is a testament to the passion, commitment, an artistry that goes into the making of every Cohiba cigar . Limited to a release of only 4,000 boxes, Serie M won’t last long, so place an order from JR Cigar today, and enjoy a luxury class smoking experience produced right here in the Sunshine State.