Casa De Garcia Centenario Red Label cigars bring rich new expressions of flavor to the best-selling Casa De Garcia brand portfolio. Produced in Nicaragua in collaboration with the famous Plasencia family, Casa De Garcia Centenario Red Label is a high-quality premium cigar at a value price-point that only looks and tastes expensive. Each cigar in this four vitola line is flawlessly fashioned with a complex blend of Nicaraguan binder and long fillers all grown on the prestigious Plasencia family farms. The icing on the cake is a beautiful, oily, and dark, Ecuadorian Habano wrapper leaf. Slow burning, and laced with luscious notes of earth, leather, coffee bean, and cinnamon, Casa de Garcia Centenario Red Label provides an unparalleled medium bodied experience for the price conscious daily smoker. Order a bundle of 20 from JR Cigar now, and fulfill your smoking needs with one of the best cigar values on the market today.