Casa De Garcia Centenario Gold Label cigars are the latest installment to the best-selling Casa De Garcia Brand. These top-notch cigars are meticulously handcrafted in Nicaragua in collaboration with the iconic Plasencia family. Under the guidance of brand patriarch Nestor Plasencia, the company has evolved into a highly successful operation whose factories in Honduras and Nicaragua produce over 30 million cigars a year! Casa De Garcia Centenario Gold is a consistent, high-quality cigar at a value price-point that offers a lot of bang for the buck . Each cigar in this four vitola line utilizes a complex blend of Nicaraguan binder and long filler tobacco from the Plasencia family farms, covered by a beautiful golden brown Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. The end result is mellow-to-medium bodied smoke whose creamy textured notes of nuts, earth, cedar, and sweet spice, offer all day enjoyment for a very wallet friendly price. Order an affordable bundle of 20 from JR Cigar today, and allow Casa de Garcia Centenario Gold Label to become a highly satisfying addition to your daily rotation.