CAO is a company known for crafting exquisite cigars using the rarest and finest premium tobacco that the world has to offer, and the hot new CAO Arcana cigars are certainly no exception. The cigars feature a stunning Ecuadorian wrapper that surrounds a core of fully aged Nicaraguan binder and long filler tobaccos. This may seem like a very traditional blend, but in true CAO fashion, some of the tobacco used for making these cigars undergo a specialized cultivation process that’s not found on any other handmade premium cigar. Called “Chincagre”, the process involves using prized tobacco from Nicaragua’s Mastepe region that is buried in the volcanic soil for two months to make sure every inch of tobacco is penetrated with flavor. This highly refined process used by the local tobacco farmers of western Nicaragua, enhances the natural attributes of the leaves, and elevates its already complex flavor profile. Available in just one 6.50 × 56 vitola called CAO Arcana Firewalker Limited Edition, this hefty Toro Grande provides a medium-to- full bodied experience laced with luscious notes of earth, cocoa, nutmeg, and black pepper that will give you a newfound appreciation for the Chincagre fermentation method. Order a box of 20 from JR Cigar, and enjoy the pride, hard work, care ,and dedication, that went into the making of this one-of-a-kind masterpiece from CAO.