The Camacho brand earned its fame and notoriety by producing bold, full flavored ,premium cigars. Their newest release called Camacho Broadleaf cigars, are certainly no exception. . Camacho Broadleaf cigars are produced by the famous Davidoff Company in Honduras, and each cigar is meticulously handcrafted at the prestigious Diadema Cigars de Honduras S.A. factory using Dominican and Honduran long fillers bunched inside a Honduran binder. Then, after further extensive aging, each cigar is finished with an oily, dark, and chewy, Honduran Broadleaf wrapper. This is the first time the brand has included a Honduran Broadleaf wrapper in its portfolio. Undeniably bold, and highly complex, you can expect a medium-to-full bodied smoke layered with rich, robust , flavors of dark chocolate and black pepper, backed by savory notes of espresso, earth, and natural tobacco sweetness. Order an affordable box of 20 from JR Cigar, and allow Camacho Broadleaf to take bold flavors to a daring new level.