Belinda, an old-style Cuban brand, now expertly handmade in Honduras, is a tried-and-true classic premium cigar that has been satisfying JR customers for decades. Available in two varieties, the original Belinda much loved for its decadent rich and nutty flavors, is medium bodied in strength and employs an aged blend of Honduran long-leaf fillers, a Honduran binder, and both a zesty Connecticut broadleaf and toasty tasting Ecuador Sumatra wrapper. For hardcore maduro fans, nothing beats the Belinda Black with its aged with Dominican fillers, Honduran binder, and a sun-drenched Connecticut Medio Tiempo wrapper that bumps up the strength a notch to medium-full. Slow burning and highly aromatic, the Belinda Black has a deep spicy core with savory notes of creamy espresso, pepper, and nuts that come shining through with every savory draw. Both blends offer a lush, rich smoking experience through and through, and you would be hard-pressed to find another brand this good- with a price so low!