A true classic line of premium cigars, Baccarat is a Honduran brand beloved for its creamy smooth flavors and signature sweet gum cap. Now, for the first time ever, the company has created Baccarat Barber Pole cigars that are an exclusive JR Cigar offering. Every smoker can identify a barber pole cigar when they see it because it has two, and in rare cases three intertwined wrappers of contrasting colors, just like a real barber pole. What makes a barber pole a real treat for cigar connoisseurs is its intricate taste, because once lit, both the dark and light leaves release their own distinct flavors at the same time. In the case of Baccarat Barber Pole cigars, the dual wrappers consist of a dark and oily Connecticut Broadleaf maduro expertly intertwined with a lighter Connecticut Shade leaf. Underneath this striking dual crown, is the finest aged Honduran long filler tobacco, held together by a tasty Mexican binder. You can expect a medium bodied smoke whose core flavors of leather, cocoa, and hazelnut, meld seamlessly with chocolate and some pepper notes from the maduro leaf and a creamy tobacco sweetness from the lighter wrapper. This all amounts to one of the most complex and captivating blends that Baccarat has ever produced. Baccarat Barber Pole is a must try premium cigar for anyone looking to enhance their smoking experience in a unique and very flavorful way. Order these limited-edition JR Exclusives in your choice of two very affordable options: a box of 25 or a handy and convenient 5-pack offering, that are both certain to have you coming back for more!