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A true classic in every sense, Baccarat Cigars are some of the most popular premiums on the market today, led by its flagship lines’ sweet gum cap that has captured the palates of aficionados for generations. With a penchant for providing smooth and top-quality Honduran blends for an affordable price, Baccarat Cigars have a presence in the humidors of countless aficionados.

Baccarat Cigars were first introduced by the Eiroa family back in 1989. Julio Eiroa, father of the now-famous cigar master Christian Eiroa, is a prolific farmer and cigar maker in Honduras and oversaw the exceptional rise in Baccarat Cigars. The brand’s affordable price, delicious yet smooth flavors, and sweetened cap harkening back to old-school Cuban cigars won the favor of American cigar smokers.

As the 1990s cigar boom came into full swing, the popularity of Baccarat Cigars exploded. Production went from a few hundred thousand cigars to a whopping 3 million cigars per year. Around the same time, the Eiroa family also procured the rights to the Camacho brand, diversifying the family’s portfolio.

When the boom eventually busted at the turn of the millennium, it was Baccarat Cigars that kept the Eiroa family, and its fledgling Camacho brand, in business as the modern cigar market took shape.

Baccarat Cigars proved to be an exceptionally popular choice among thrifty aficionados, especially those enthusiasts who were just getting started on their cigar journey. In 2008, Baccarat attracted the attention of Davidoff Cigars, and was sold to Davidoff along with the Camacho brand. Baccarat Cigars are still made at the Camacho factory in Honduras to this day.

Today, the portfolio of Baccarat Cigars can fit the preferences of any connoisseur. The famous original Baccarat is an all-audiences classic built with a core of aged Honduran Cuban-seed long fillers and Mexican binder with your choice of either a Connecticut Shade or Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. Finished with their signature sweetened cap, Baccarat delivers a mellow medley of cream, toast, and cedar, and the Broadleaf version has a mellow-medium body with added nuances of chocolate, and hints of pepper.

Are you looking for a little more kick from your stick? Then Baccarat Nicaragua has you covered. A long-awaited line extension to its enormously popular Honduran counterpart, Baccarat Nicaragua cigars are a line of Habano wrapped beauties that feature a Sumatra binder and a core of perfectly aged Nicaraguan long fillers. Medium in body, Baccarat Nicaragua coats the palate with rich flavors of leather, toast, cedar, sweet spice, and wood. Baccarat’s latest achievement was creating the company’s very first Barber Pole style cigar. What makes a barber pole a real treat for cigar connoisseurs is its intricate taste. Once lit, both the darker and lighter wrapper leaves release their own distinct flavors at the same time and combine to create an unforgettable and flavorful experience.

In the case of Baccarat Barber Pole cigars, the dual wrappers consist of a dark and oily Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper expertly intertwined with a lighter Connecticut Shade leaf. Underneath this striking dual crown is the finest aged Honduran long filler tobacco, held together by a tasty Mexican binder. This amounts to one of the most complex and captivating blends that Baccarat has ever made.

The bottom line is no matter which blend from Baccarat Cigars you choose, you do not need to leave it up to luck to get a top-notch smoking experience at some of the best prices around. Order your Baccarat Cigars with JR today!

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