Carlos Fuente Jr., the iconic cigarmaker behind the mellow to -medium bodied Ashton Cabinet cigars, describes this artisanal gem as “the type of cigar that fills your nose and mouth with an incredible mix of flavors and zero harshness.” Or, in simpler terms, it is a cigar lover’s dream. This meticulously crafted Ashton cigar features a complex blend of six distinct Dominican long-leaf fillers, while a Dominican binder and an oily, rich Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper complete the tempting design. Notes of cocoa, coffee, and spice are mixed into a creamy smoke that burns perfectly even right down to the nub. It takes seven long years for Ashton Cabinet to transform from a simple seedling to a hand rolled masterpiece fit for the most discerning cigar connoisseur. The aging process is integral and intricate. In fact, the distinct wrapper is aged an extra year before casing. For a cigar that will never fail to cheer you up, make the Ashton Cabinet the next addition to your collection by placing an order from JR Cigar.