AJ Fernandez known the world over for producing highly rated and much sought after premium cigars has created another masterpiece. Handmade in his famed Tabacalera Fernandez factory in Esteli, Enclave is a medium to full-bodied cigar that embodies special brotherhood created by those who enjoy a great cigar.
Swathed in a gorgeous, reddish brown Habano Rosado wrapper leaf, Enclave sports a stunning old world Cuban style band that pays tribute to our proud Native American Culture. A toasty Cameroon binder, and select aged Nicaraguan long-fillers, including a proprietary Piloto Cubano strain grown only on AJ’s farm, complete the package. A warm captivating aroma and scrumptious notes of pepper, spice, cedar, and cinnamon enlivens the palate with every puff. With perfect balance right down to the thumbnail, Senor Fernandez has surely added another winner to his stable of top-quality cigars.